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A donation to Raymond Coalition For Youth goes directly to programming that supports the youth of our community!
Donate anytime, safely & securely with our Verified PayPal™ account or Venmo below.
*Please note there is a small fee for these online features.
If donations are made by check to our office we receive 100% the donation. 
RCFY, 66 Main St, Raymond NH  03077

There are many ways to support RCFY throughout the year and all of the funds raised go directly into RCFY programs, events and prevention efforts.  

Monetary Donation/Company Match: Check to see if your employer is willing to support the youth of our community through their matching donations.  Your support helps create more positive choices and community connections for youth.  When you donate to Raymond Coalition for Youth, please check with your human resources department to see if they will match your donation.

Birthday Gifts:  RCFY supporters have asked that gifts we granted to RCFY on behalf of them on their birthday.  Hundreds of dollars have been raised through this method.  It can be done via Facebook, mail or directly through our website.  A card will be sent to the individual to let them know RCFY has received the funds in their name.  

Charity Gaming Days:  In the State of New Hampshire gaming is offered in select locations and 35% of the proceeds go to licensed nonprofit agencies.  RCFY is fortunate to partner with The Brook in Seabrook NH and in the State of NH as a nonprofit RCFY is granted ten days in a calendar year to benefit from proceeds each year. 

Discount Cards:  Each year, we partner with local businesses to offer discounts in our community.  For a one-time low price of $10 per discount card, you receive discounts from local businesses from April 1st to March 31st of the following year.  Cards can be ordered online or by mail (a $2 processing/mailing fee applies)

Securities Donation: Donating stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other securities contributes to the financial stability of Raymond Coalition for Youth and can offer a significant tax saving for you.  By giving stock, you can avoid capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock plus receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock rather than liquidating the stocks and donating the cash proceeds.  A gift of appreciated mutual fund(s) works in the same way.  Contact your broker for more information.

Memorial Gifts: A memorial gift to The Raymond Coalition For Youth is a personal remembrance that honors the life of someone who cared about making a difference for others in the community.  Read more about this option here. 

Sponsorship and/or attending events: Become a sponsor and get involved in one of the several events we host every year!  Our most popular are our Prevention Summit in the fall and our Gala Fundraiser in the spring.  

Smiles for Life is an organization set up through members of the Crown Council, an alliance of over 1,000 dental teams dedicated to providing exceptional care, total patient service, and serving their communities through charitable work , and to focusing on treating patients, not teeth. Every year from March through June, Dr. Pike of Deerfield Family Dentistry, a Crown Council member, donates her time, FREE of charge, to whiten her patients’ teeth to raise money for the Raymond Coalition for Youth.
Ultradent donates all the tooth whitening supplies, and together they offer professional teeth bleaching services, with 100% of the proceeds going to children’s charities. To help support, call Deerfield Family Dentistry at (603) 463-7240 to schedule an appointment! At the end of the appointment; you will make
a donation to Smiles for Life, who then redistributes these funds to the Raymond Coalition for Youth and other children’s charities.
It’s as simple as that. Whiten your teeth; help a child!
Whether or not you choose to have your smile whitened, you can make a huge difference for these children by simply sharing this opportunity with your friends, family members, and coworkers!

Product and Swag:  You may order RCFY Masks ($10), T-shirts ($10), Jerseys ($10) or Sweatshirts ($25) to show your #RCFY support.  Please contact our office o order.

Annual Appeal:  Each year RCFY sends out an Annual Appeal for those who are interested in sharing a gift with RCFY to support our programming.  

We thank everyone who supports RCFY in a way that is comfortable to them and appreciate all funding to help us promote positive healthy choices for youth.   More information and graphics are below.  Thank you.  

For more information about any of our giving programs, please contact Celeste Clark. We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and your donation is tax-deductible.

RCFY is a proud to be a GuideStar GoldStar Transparency Nonprofits