Our volunteers are the BEST!!
If you are a one time volunteer for an event or activity, or a regular we can call on to jump in, you are appreciated and make a difference!!
Why volunteer for the Raymond Coalition For Youth?
First and foremost - to make a difference. People volunteer for so many reasons – out of a sense of service, because they have skills to share, and YES, just because it feels good!
What type of Volunteer are you?
Please take a look at the list below. Each level of volunteering is very important to the overall success of RCFY. Take a moment to look at the options and let us know where you would like to help.

Followers and Fans - you get our newsletter, follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and/or YouTube) and follow up when RCFY is in need of supporters.
Cheerleaders and Advocates - you share the newsletter and social media posts, make positive comments, and encourage others to learn more and get involved. You tell friends, neighbors and family members about RCFY. You wear the t-shirt or sweatshirt proudly!! You help sell tickets for our Gala or help find Sponsors to highlight their business or donate raffle items.
Call me members - you are hands on and help with activities and/or events. You may bake or cook, you may assemble, you may help with events such as the town fair, Family Fun Night or other events.
Volunteer Leader - you attend RCFY meetings (as an adult or Youth Action member) and share the information and resources learned with others. You may share your knowledge and expertise to make things happen or speak at RCFY meetings or events to help others learn. You may be on a special committee for fundraising, finding a new building, Project Safeguard etc.
Board of Directors - this is the leadership team of RCFY and sets the strategic direction. The board is responsible for the long term financial and people capacity to see that RCFY continues for many years to come.
Sign up below to be added to our Volunteer Opportunities email list to receive an email (or phone call) about upcoming Volunteer Opportunities.