Tobacco kills 1 person every 4 seconds from primarily preventable diseases such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis & emphysema), & tuberculosis. Want to quit? Call 800-QUITNOW (7848-669) or visit the website Quit Now NH. For information on COPD, see the Breathe New Hampshire website (above). #NoTobacco
Vaping is still "tobacco" - nicotine comes from the tobacco plant. It's still addictive.
If you are a teenager or young adult and want to quit vaping, there is a specific program just for you:
For a wealth of information in addition to what we have here, please visit Breathe NH's website.
December 2019: Take a few minutes to view this new video from the Addiction Policy Forum to learn a bit more about the dangers of vaping and the teen brain, specifically.
How to talk to your kids about Vaping:
Tobacco includes cigarettes and other products that can contain tobacco or nicotine.
Such as:
“vapes”, “vape pens”, “vaporizers”, “e-cigs”, “PV”, “mods” and “smoke juice”.
Traditional cigarettes, cigars or pipes, chew tobacco
We encourage you to visit our partners sites that contain updated information and options for quitting.
We strongly encourage prevention efforts to limit experimentation with these products. It is best if people never start using these products given the difficulty to stop or quit.
QUIT VAPING - Resources and tools available to help teens quit vaping
These videos are short and give a lot of info. Please watch!
WMUR Health Headlines: What Parents Need to Know about Juuling
A conversation with Dr. Benjamin Chan, NH State Epidemiologist. Very informative video. Less than two minutes long, worth watching!
Published September 2018, as the FDA declares vaping has hit "epidemic proportions" in young people in the US:
An Epidemic is Spreading - Each video in this playlist is no more than 31 seconds long. Please watch!
This video is real teens talking about vaping in 2016 before "JUULing" was prevalent. The video is only around 3 minutes long. Please watch:
Real California teens talk about vaping (2016)
September 25, 2018: Vaping Unveiled™ with Breathe NH at Raymond High School. Thank you to the Raymond School District for bringing in this very important presentation, and many thanks to Raymond Community Television for recording so that we all may share and people can watch who were unable to attend the event:
Follow along with detailed, up-to-date, information provided to us by Breathe NH, click on the image to view all documents:
May 15, 2018: Gateway 101 - Laurie Warnock, MPH, EMT, from New Hampshire Poison Control Center gives a very entertaining and informative presentation on E-cigarettes, vaping and even more new and upcoming trends with electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDDs). This is a must-watch!
Helpful Links:
published by Truth Initiative, August 20, 2018 - a good summary of the most important aspects of this device.
that is used with nicotine-containing JUULpods, which come in 8 flavors. JUUL has become increasingly popular and now represents the largest share of the e-cigarette market. A number of news outlets have documented its popularity in high schools and college campuses across the country. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, NPR, USA Today). (February 2018)
(February 2018)
Breathe NH is the NH champion for this program. They are connecting educators and those working with youth to this prevention curriculum. Designed for grades 6-12.
(provided by NIDA, revised May 2016)
Fact Sheet from a report of the Surgeon General, December 2016.
Know the Risks: E-Cigarettes & Young People -
Website based on the December 2016 U.S. Surgeon General's report on this topic. Very interactive and informative!
Smoking causes one in 10 deaths worldwide, this study shows, half of them in just four countries: China, India, the US, and Russia. Researchers said mortality could rise further as tobacco companies aggressively target new markets, especially in the developing world.
Each day in the United States, more than 3,200 youth aged 18 years or younger smoke their first cigarette, and an additional 2,100 youth and young adults become daily cigarette smokers. Click on the link to read the entire report.
Parenting, NH article from April 2017
We hope this Research Report will help readers understand the harmful effects of tobacco use and identify best practices for the prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction.