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Board & Staff


The Raymond Coalition For Youth, Inc. was classified as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) in January of 2004 and requires a dedicated volunteer governing Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets regularly on the 1st Monday afternoon of the month, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm. 

Members of the board of directors are elected, serve terms, and represent various backgrounds relevant to the work of RCFY. The Board sets the direction of RCFY and is responsible for the sustainability of RCFY into the future. People who care about young people and want to make a difference are always welcome! These meetings are open to the public.  

If you have an interest in serving on the RCFY Board of Directors, we do have a process for joining. Please click on our Bylaws below, which includes an interest form to fill out and submit to our office at 

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

RCFY Board of Directors 2023

Pictured - Raymond Coalition For Youth, Board of Directors: Celeste Clark (nonvoting member), Tim Carta, Carrie Chooljian - Lamprey Health Care, Deb Intonti, Ed Wood, Jess Caron, Behavioral Health Coordinator Raymond Schools, Terry Leatherman - Superintendent Raymond Schools, Pat Arsenault - Raymond Afterschool Program, Ali Bousquin - Bethany Church, John Gagliardi - Alarms Plus, Dustin Ramey- Edward Jones.







Photos courtesy of Lily Jack Photography, © October 4, 2019




The following individuals are past board members. We thank them for their time, and dedication to RCFY:

Have questions or want to learn more about our Board of Directors? Contact our office for more information.

Thank You to our past board members for their service.

(Pictured, left to right: Tricia Wentworth, Greg Sevinsky, Bill Sparks and Dr. John Schermerhorn)