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In the year 2000, according to a sampling of the NH Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Raymond High School had higher rates of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco and other drug use compared with the NH state data in each area. 

This data is what inspired the creation of the Raymond Coalition for Youth.

We would like to thank the Raymond School District for being our partner and supporting the importance of collecting anonymous data via the CDC-approved Youth Risk Behavior Survey. This completely anonymous data helps us to work with our youth and community partners to address the identified needs of our students and work together to put solutions in place to support them.

We look at this as community data that is collected in the school because that is where the students are located. There is zero possibility of this data being connected back to any one individual. The surveys are posted here for review and parents and caregivers are given the option to 'opt out' of the survey, per NH law and guidelines.  

If you have questions regarding these surveys please do not hesitate to contact our office at or 603.895.0600

If you are curious about the survey, we have provided a video below for you to view that gives a bit more insight to the value of the survey and the data collected.  

Links to Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data